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UltraStock® Lite

  • Lighter panels help reduce the weight of ready-to-assemble products
  • Manufactured with 100% NAF resin
  • Can be used in applications such as moulding, door parts and cabinet doors

Product Details

Ready-to-assemble products are easier to manage when the panels weigh less and UltraStock® Lite is engineered to lighten the load. Manufactured with 100% NAF resins, UltraStock Lite provides outstanding machinability and top-quality finishing at the same time. Ideal for high-performance in a wide-range of non-load bearing applications.

Product Specifications


Thicknesses3/8” – 3/4”
WidthsTo 5’
LengthsTo 16’


Min Panel Averages (1)3/8” to <1/2”1/2” to 3/4”
MOR-Modulus of Rupture (psi)28002800
MOE-Modulus of Elasticity (kpsi)280280
IB-Internal Bond (psi)10090
Face Screw Holding Capacity (lbs)222222
Edge Screw Holding Capacity (lbs) (2)NA215
24-Hour Thickness Swell<0.0325”<5.5%

1 One-panel minimum average per ANSI 208.2
2 Not applicable for thinner than 5/8″


Length & Width± 1/16” per panel
Squareness± 1/64” per ft. of length
Straightness± 1/64” per ft. of length
Thickness (within panel)± 0.005”
Thickness (panel to panel)± 0.005”


Recycled Content (MR credit 4)Awards 1 or 2 points for using products with recycled content that constitute at least 10% or 20%, based on cost, of the total value of project materials.
Regional Materials (MR credit 5)Awards 1 or 2 points for using materials on a project that are extracted and manufactured within 500 miles that constitute at least 10% or 20%, based on cost, of the total value of project materials.
Environmental Quality (EQ credit 4.4)Requires composite wood products used on project to demonstrate documented compliance with California Air Resources Board ATCM formaldehyde requirements for ultra-low-emitting formaldehyde (ULEF) resins or no-added-formaldehyde (NAF) resins.
Low-VOC Emitting Materials (G2.9)Specifies architects to select low-VOC emitting materials
Pre-consumer Recycled Content (604.1(2))Use recycled content products in major areas such as walls, floor, insulation and roofing.
FSC® Certification (606.2(3))Wood or wood-based products available that are certified by Forest Stewardship Council™.
Other Certification (606.2(6))Wood-based components certified in accordance to CPA ECC 4-19.
Low Formaldehyde/VOC Emissions (901.4(a))In compliance with ANSI A208.1.
Low Formaldehyde/VOC Emissions (901.4(c))In compliance with CPA ECC 4-19.
Low Formaldehyde/VOC Emissions (901.4(d))Composite wood contains no urea formaldehyde.


ECC CERTIFICATIONUltraStock products produced in the Georgia-Pacific facility in Mt. Jewett, Pennsylvania, have been awarded the Composite Panel Association (CPA) Eco-Certified Composite (ECC) grademark which verifies compliance with the CPA 4-19 ECC Sustainability Standard, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Airborne Toxic Control Measure (ATCM) 93120 and the EPA TSCA Title VI rule.
FSC® CERTIFICATIONUltraStock that is certified to conform to the requirements of Forest Stewardship Council® standards for FSC Mix Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood manufacturing is available by special order.
MR10 DesignationBased on ANSI A208.2 section 3.6, to receive the MR10 designation product samples must demonstrate the 24-hour thickness swell test value of 5.5% or less.
EPA TSCA, TITLE VIAll UltraStock is CARB and EPA TSCA Title VI compliant. This product contains no added formaldehyde.


Safety Data Sheets
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UltraStock FR Safety Data Sheet - English US
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Ultrastock MDF Safety Data Sheet
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Wood Products PMDI Bonded Safety Data Sheet
0 Selected Resources
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UltraStock® MDF Panels - Specifications
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