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ToughRock® Fireguard X® Mold-Guard™ Gypsum Board

  • 5 ⁄8” (15.9 mm) Classified Type X (as defined in ASTM C1396 and UL)
  • Moisture and mold-resistant treated facings1
  • Non-combustible core (when tested in accordance with ASTM E136)1

Product Detail


Manufactured to meet ASTM C1396 Section 7; ToughRock® Fireguard X® Mold-Guard™ Gypsum Board is designed to provide extra resistance against mold and mildew compared to traditional paper-faced gypsum board products. It has a Type X core (per ASTM C1396) and is UL classified Type X for use in a variety of fire-rated wood and steel-framed assemblies.2 When tested, as manufactured, per ASTM D3273 (“Standard Test Method for Resistance to Growth of Mold on the Surface of Interior Coatings in an Environmental Chamber”), ToughRock Fireguard X Mold-Guard Gypsum Board achieved a score of 10 – the best possible score for this test.1

1 The score of 10 in the ASTM D3273 test, indicates no mold growth in a 4-week controlled laboratory test. The mold resistance of any building product when used in actual job site conditions may not produce the same results as were achieved in the controlled, laboratory setting. No material can be considered mold proof. For additional information concerning mold resistance, see”When properly used with good design, handling and construction practices, ToughRock® Mold-Guard™ Gypsum Board provides increased moisture and mold resistance compared to standard paper-faced wallboard products. However, the product is not intended for immersion in water or prolonged exposure to moisture. As with any building material, avoiding water exposure during handling, storage and installation, and after installation is complete, is the best way to avoid the formation of mold or mildew.

2 Consult UL Fire Resistance Directory for assembly information.

*FIRE SAFETY CAUTION – Passing a fire test in a controlled laboratory setting and/or certifying or labeling a product as having a one-hour, two-hour, or any other fire resistance or protection rating and, therefore, as acceptable for use in certain fire rated assemblies/systems, does not mean that either a particular assembly/system incorporating the product, or any given piece of the product itself, will necessarily provide one-hour fire resistance, two-hour fire resistance, or any other specified fire resistance or protection in an actual fire. In the event of an actual fire, you should immediately take any and all actions necessary for your safety and the safety of others without regard for any fire rating of any product or assembly/system. For additional information concerning fire ratings and fire safety, visit our Product Fire, Safety and Use Information page.

Product Specifications


Thicknessnominal inches: 5/8” (15.9 mm) ± 1/64” (0.4 mm)
Widthnominal: 4′ (1220 mm), 54″ (1372 mm)
Lengthstandard: 8 ft. (2440 mm) – 14′ (4270 mm)
Weightlbs/sq. ft. nominal (kg/m²): 2.3 (11.2)1
R Value°F•ft2•hr/BTU (m2•K/W): 0. .56 est. (0.10)2
Humidified Deflection5/8″ (16 mm)3

1 Represents approximate weight for design and shipping purposes. Actual weight may vary depending on manufacturing location and other factors. 2 Per Gypsum Association document GA-235. 3 Specified minimum values are as defined in ASTM C1396.


Certifications may vary by production location, please contact local representative for more information.

Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) – For CPSA General Certificate of Conformity, please click here.


Safety Data Sheets
Tech Guides
ToughRock® Mold-Resistant Gypsum Board - HPD
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ToughRock ® Gypsum Board Wallworks Guide
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ToughRock Paper Faced Gypsym Safety Data Sheet
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Paper Faced Gypsum Panels Safety Data Sheet - Spanish
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Paper Faced Gypsum Panels Safety Data Sheet - French
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Gypsum Paper Faced Panels English Canada
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ToughRock® - Technical Guide
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ToughRock® – Technical Guide (Español)
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ToughRock® Joint Systems Limited Warranty - Canada (English)
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ToughRock® Joint Systems Limited Warranty - USA (English)
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ToughRock® Limited Warranty - Canada (English)
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ToughRock®Limited Warranty - USA (Español)
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ToughRock®Limited Warranty - USA (English)
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ToughRock® Limited Warranty - Canada (Français)
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Can ToughRock® Mold-Guard™ Gypsum Board be used in pre-rock conditions?

While ToughRock® Mold-Guard™ has enhanced moisture and mold resistance compared to traditional paper-faced gypsum board, it is not recommended or warranted for exposure to the elements. We would recommend DensArmor Plus® Interior Panels for pre-rock conditions.

Can ToughRock® Mold-Guard™ Gypsum Board be used in wet areas?

ToughRock® Mold-Guard™ is manufactured to meet ASTM C 1396 section 7 for moisture resistant gypsum board. If your local code allows for the use of ASTM C 1396 section 7 in wet areas, then ToughRock Mold-Guard may be used in this application.

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